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1.3. SF:ERP Client Connector

The SF:ERPClient is a client program that runs on your computer and connects through the Internet with our systems in Solución Factible®, sends the connector files and processes the information to create the tax receipt (it can be electronic invoice, credit, etc.) in its implementation and you can download it from the same program automatically.

If you have all the necessary prerequisites, the program itself does not have to be installed, you just have to run the file with the name :halcon.exe and then (if it is the first time it is run) a window will appear calling your attention to enter the configuration data.

Download the app

Halcón Conector App without complements.
Halcón Conector Emisión Preconfigured application to process information and create tax receipts (electronic invoice, credit notes, etc.).
Halcón Conector Contabilidad Preconfigured application to process information for the generation of accounting (accounts, policies and trial balances).

Other versions

SF:ERP Client Connector(Paloma):
Version that will have to be updated manually: SFERPClientConnector


  • The essential requirement is to have java 1.5 (or higher) installed on the system. download Java
  • You must have read permissions on the directory since the program will be monitoring for new files.
  • You must have write permissions to the directory where the downloaded files will be stored.


The program is multi-platform, that is, it works on practically any system, SF:ERPClient works perfectly on Linux, Windows, MacOS and any other operating system that has Java installed.


The program runs directly on the user's computer, it can be used for generation, cancellation, invoicing and self-billing.


  • Automatic directory monitoring: the program is configured with a directory that will be monitored from time to time (configurable) in search of files that meet the search criteria (configurable), it is this file that must contain the data for the generation or cancellation with which the Digital Tax Receipt (CFD) will be generated.
  • Non-stop monitoring: while the application is running it will be monitoring the directory for new files to send.
  • Automatic file sending: when the program finds a file that meets the search criteria, it sends it to Feasible Solution® to be processed.
  • Scanning files in subdirectories: You can specify in the program settings whether you want files located in subdirectories within the main directory to be taken into account.
  • Automatic PDF and/or XML download: when a connector file has been correctly processed and the PDF and/or XML download option is enabled, the program will automatically download the specified file (PDF or XML) to the previously configured directory.
  • Directory selection for file download: the directory where the downloaded PDF (printed representation of the tax receipt) and/or XML will be stored is fully configurable and can be changed at any time.
  • Choosing the format for the name of the downloaded file: you can choose the format of the name with which you want your receipt to be downloaded, this is chosen from the configuration of your implementation, in case this functionality is not activated in your implementation, the program will name the files using the name of the chosen design plus the folio and receipt series.
  • Option to automatically print downloaded CFDI (electronic invoices, credit notes, etc.): the program can print all PDF receipts that have been successfully downloaded (configurable).
  • Viewing standard and custom layouts: The program connects to your deployment to load the receipt layouts that you have configured.
  • Choice of design to download your CFDI: you can select the design with which the PDF will be downloaded.
  • Ability to download CFDI (example: e-invoice) with multiple layouts: You can choose to download the same correctly processed CFDI in several different layouts of your choice.
  • Automatic sending of emails.
    • Option to attach the PDF and/or the XML or both.
    • Personalization of the email subject.
    • Customization of the message body.
    • Selection of the design for printed representation of your tax receipt that will be sent.
  • Visual Log of events.
  • Visual Log of server responses.
  • Detailed system Log.

Advanced Features

  • Multi-monitoring ability: The application can be configured to connect and send files to different deployments.
  • Database monitor type: the application can be configured so that the monitor type is a database.
  • Ability to send event log by email: it is possible to configure the application to send certain types of error or status notifications to email, or send the log periodically.
  • Selection of the production or testing environment also for emission and self-invoicing: you can select the environment you want to connect to; by default it is production; however, if you want to do tests, you must select TESTING.

Console mode

The application can be run in "console" mode, this means that no graphical interface will be displayed and that everything will be done via the command line.

Topic - Console Mode

Graphic interface

The software has a specially designed graphical interface, it does not require advanced computer knowledge (such as command line) to operate, you just have to have Java installed and run the application by double clicking on the file that has been sent to you. For more information about the graphical interface, go to:

Topic - Graphic Interface.

Graphical interface advanced options

The software has a graphical interface with advanced options, it is necessary to have knowledge of databases, for more information about the graphical interface go to:

Topic - Graphical Interface advanced options

Run the application at system startup

The application can be started at the same time as the system, the way to do it, however, is different in each operating system.

Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 and 11

    1.- Right click on the file: halcon.exe and click on "CreateDirectAccess", a shortcut file with the same name as the application will be created in the same directory.
    2.- Now go to start/all programs/ and right click on the "Start" option and then click on "Open".
    3.- Now paste the newly created shortcut into the window that just opened.

Note: This method will continue to work as long as the application exists in the same directory that the shortcut points to.

Run more than one application at the same time on the same computer

Update: it is not necessary to run several applications at the same time, only one is necessary, the ability to create different configurations in the same application that point to different implementations has been added.

SSL security certificate verification

In Solución Factible® concerned about the needs of our clients, we put at disposal the tool "InstalaCertificadoSHA256.jar" that will allow you to verify the compatibility of your equipment with our new SSL (Secure Socket Layer) SHA-256. Click Here to download.

Once the application is downloaded, the following window will be displayed:

Proxy Host: only if you require a proxy to make the request via https, you must add the hostname or IP address.

Proxy Port: likewise, only if you require a proxy to make the request via https, you must add the port through which you connect to the proxy.

Contraseña KeyStore: (JKS) is a repository of security certificates, whether authorization certificates or public key certificates, used for example in SSL encryption. If you changed the Java KeyStore password, you must enter it.

Ruta Java: it is very important that you select the Java path with which your application runs, otherwise the installation of our security certificate will not have effect.

To add the Java file path, select the folder as shown below:

Note: select the Java folder with which you run your application; if you do not have more than one version of Java, skip this step.

Next, click on the "Verify" button, the application will carry out a validation process and show you a report with the result.

If you already have the certificate installed, the verifier will show you the following message: “The certificate is already installed.”

To finish, just close the application.

If the certificate is not installed, the system will ask you if you want to install it, click the "Yes" button.

The application will then install the certificates and show you the installation summary.

To finish, just close the application.

"Console Mode" certificate verification

Within the command line you need to enter the path where the downloaded application is located.


In Windows:

  • With proxy and specifying the Java path
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_60\bin\java" -jar -Dhttps.proxyHost=Host name o Ip -Dhttps.proxyPort=Puerto InstalaCertificadoSHA256.jar -console
  • Without proxy:
    java -jar InstalaCertificadoSHA256.jar -console

In Linux:

  • With proxy and specifying Java path:
    /local/java/jre1.8.0_60/bin/java -jar -Dhttps.proxyHost=Host name o Ip -Dhttps.proxyPort=Puerto InstalaCertificadoSHA256.jar -console
  • Without proxy:
    java -jar InstalaCertificadoSHA256.jar -console

To perform command validation, run the console and enter the following command:

    java -jar InstalaCertificadoSHA256.jar -console

If you do not have the certificate, the application will ask you if you want to install it, enter "y" to install:

    Loading KeyStore C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_07\jre\lib\security\cacerts...
    Opening connection to
    El certificadon no existe, Desea instalarlo (y/n)?

The application will install the certificates::

    Loading KeyStore C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_07\jre\lib\security\cacerts...
    Opening connection to

    Server sent 2 certificate(s):

    1 Subject, OU=IT, SERIALNUMBER=SFE-080717-2W8,
    OID. Organization, L=Zapopan, ST=Jalisco, C=MX, O=SFERP SC, OID.
    Serial Number 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f
    Issuer CN=thawte EV SSL CA - G3, O="thawte, Inc.", C=US
    sha1 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11 12 13
    md5 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f

    2 Subject CN=thawte EV SSL CA - G3, O="thawte, Inc.", C=US
    Serial Number 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f
    Issuer CN=thawte Primary Root CA, OU="(c) 2006 thawte, Inc. - For authorized
    use only", OU=Certification Services Division, O="thawte, Inc.", C=US
    sha1 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11 12 13
    md5 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f

Possible errors

Port or proxy error

  • Graphic interface:
    If the verifier connection shows you the following error message.

    Make sure the port is available and that the Proxy Host o Proxy Port is correct.
  • Console mode:
    If the verifier connection shows you the following error message.
    WARN log - No se puedo realizar la conexion, si tiene algún proxy desea agregarlo (y/n)?

    The app will ask if you want to add it, enter "y" to retry.
  • Access Denied Error:
    This error occurs when you do not have permission to read or write to a folder.
  • Error due to lack of Java:
    This error occurs when the Java application is not installed on the computer.
  • Connection Error:
    This error occurs when there is a firewall blocking access to the Internet.
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