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La LCO fue actualizada por última vez el 22/feb/2025 Timbrado.enviarSolicitudCancelacion Doc

Note: we recommend the webservice method: enviarSolicitudCancelacionAsincrono. be use instead.

Sends a cancelation requests according to the standard defined in the Annex 20 of the RMF.

By invoking this method it is implied that the invoice to be canceled is already signed and with the proper XML structure.

If you prefer that Solución Factible® be the one to handle the signing and the cancelation request creation, you should use the method cancelar.


Name Description Required
usuario Username. Yes
password User's password. Yes
solicitudCancelacion Cancelation request in base64. Yes

Request example

Download this example

Cancelation request according to Annex 20

- Download the SAT's Annex 20 section II, item D for additional documentation.
- To see the specifications for the signing click here.
- To validate the signature you can check the Verificador de Firma digital XML (XML digital signature verifier) .

Download this cancelation 3.2 example

Download this example for cancelation of withholdings and payment information 1.0 (Retenciones e información de Pagos 1.0)


This method returns the complex type: CFDICancelacion, with the following attributes:
Name Description. Required
status Operation status' codes. See cancelation response codes. Yes
mensaje Response message, a string detailing the operation status. Yes
resultados A CFDIResultadoCancelacion array, with the following attributes. No
Name Description Required
status Invoice cancelation status. Yes
mensaje Operation's detailed message or error description. Yes
uuid Fiscal id (UUID) of the canceled invoice. Yes
statusUUID SAT's response status for the invoice to be canceled. Conditional

Timbrado.enviarSolicitudCancelacion successful response:

Download this example

Timbrado.enviarSolicitudCancelacion error response:

Download this example

Response codes


200 - The operation process completed successfully.
500 - An error ocurred. The proccess was not completed.

Invoice cancelation status

200 - The cancelation process completed successfully.
500 - An error ocurred. The cancelation proccess was not completed.
620 - Permission denied.

SAT's response status

201 - The invoice has been canceled successfully.
202 - The invoice had already been canceled.
203 - The UUID does not match the issuer (emisor).
205 - The UUID does not exists, or has not been processed by the SAT.
301 - The cancelation request structure is not valid.
302 - The digital signature of the cancelation request is not valid.
303 - The CSD used to generate the digital signature for this cancelation request does not match the issuer of the invoice to be canceled.
304 - The CSD used to generate the digital signature has either been revoked or expired.

enviarSolicitudCancelacion response codes

1801 - The cancelation request is malformed.
1802 - The cancelation request's signature is not valid.
1803 - The value is not a valid UUID.
1804 - The maximum number of UUIDs permitted per operation has been reached.

Additional codes for the new cancelation procedure

202 - The invoice had already been canceled
204 - The invoice cannot be canceled
These UUIDs which can be used in the testing environment, return this code
211 - The cancelation is currently being processed
These UUIDs which can be used in the testing environment, return this code
213 - The cancelation request was denied by the invoice's recipient
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