Inicio  |  Timbrado  |  2.2. WebServices  |  2.2.1. WS Cancelación  | Cancelacion.enviarSolicitudCancelacionAsincrono
La LCO fue actualizada por última vez el 22/feb/2025

Documentación método: enviarSolicitudCancelacionAsincrono

Receives a cancelation request already signed, which is first verified and then sent to the SAT. As with the method cancelarAsincrono, the cancelation status information is available for a period of 60 days after receiving the SAT's response.

SOAPAction: urn:enviarSolicitudCancelacionAsincrono


Name Description Required
usuario xs:string

password xs:string

User's password
solicitud xs:base64Binary

Cancelation request signed according to the SAT's specifications.
emailNotifica xs:string

Email address to where the process' result notification will be sent. See more.
properties KeyValue[]

List of key-value parameters available for future versions.


Key-value parameters
As of this date, this method does not have any key-value parameters.

Notification email

In case this process needs to be automated, the email contains some headers that may be useful:

- Headers in an successful cancelation email notification
X-SFService: Cancelar
X-UUIDCancelacion: 71452784-AFC7-4BE5-8623-3BA1436D573B
X-StatusCancelacion: OK

- Headers in an failed cancelation email notification
X-StatusCancelacion: ERROR
X-UUIDCancelacion: 71452784-AFC7-4BE5-8623-3BA1436D573B
X-SFService: Cancelar

SOAP 1.2 Request example:


The method returns the complex type:CancelacionAsincronoResponse, with the following attributes:
Name Description Required
status xs:int

Operation's status codes See more
mensaje xs:string

In case of an error, its description. If the response code is 200, then the message will be the UUID of the invoice canceled.

Response example:

Cancelation request according to Annex 20

- Download the SAT's Annex 20 section II, item D for additional documentation.
- To see the specifications for the signing click here.
- To validate the signature you can check the Verificador de Firma digital XML (XML digital signature verifier) .

Download this example

Response codes

Operation's status codes

200 - The cancelation process completed successfully.
500 - An error ocurred. The cancelation proccess was not completed.
501 - Internal database communications error, pleasy try again.
601 - Incorrect username and/or password.
602 - This user account is blocked.
603 - The user's password has expired.
604 - Maximum login attempts reached.
605 - The user is inactive.
611 - The parameters received are either incomplete or misplaced.
620 - Permission denied.
621 - Invalid parameters.
633 - Either a production account is being used in the testing environment, or a testing account is being used in the production environment.
701 – An asynchronous transaction for the specified UUID already exists.
1801 - The cancelation request is malformed.
1802 - The cancelation request's signature is not valid.
1803 - The value is not a valid UUID.

Additional codes for the new cancelation procedure

204 - The invoice cannot be canceled
These UUIDs which can be used in the testing environment, return this code
211 - The cancelation is currently being processed
These UUIDs which can be used in the testing environment, return this code
213 - The cancelation request was denied by the invoice's recipient
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