Inicio  |  Timbrado  |  2.2. WebServices  |  2.2.1. WS Timbrado  |  Timbrado.cancelarPorNotaCredito
La LCO fue actualizada por última vez el 22/feb/2025


Cancel an invoice via the creation of a credit note.

Any invoice to be canceled via this methods must comply with:

  1. The invoice must be an income invoice.
  2. Cannot be already canceled.


Name Description Required
usuario xs:string
password xs:string
User's password
uuid xs:string
UUID of invoice to be canceled.
derCertCSD xs:string
CSD to be use for the cancelation request, it must be the same used to generate the digital seal (sello digital) of the invoice.
derKeyCSD xs:string
Private key.
contrasenaCSD xs:string
Private key's password.

Request example:

Download this example


This method returns a complex type: CFDIResultadoCertificacion, with the following attributes:

CFDIResultadoCertificacion's attributes
Name Description Required
status Operation status' code. See the cancelation response codes. Yes
mensaje The response message, a string detailing the status. Yes
uuid Fiscal id of the canceled invoice. Conditional
versionTFD Version of the Timbre Fiscal Digital complement of the invoice. Conditional
fechaTimbrado Date and time of stamping (timbrado) of the invoice (CFDI). Condicional
selloSAT SAT's stamp, the Timbre Fiscal Digital stamp. Conditional
certificadoSAT Serial number of the SAT's certificate used to stamp (timbrar) the invoice (CDFI). Conditional
cadenaOriginal Orignal character string of the Timbre Fiscal Digital, or the Certificaciones complement. Conditional
cfdiTimbrado The stamped invoice. Conditional
qrCode QR code of the invoice. The binary data of a .png image file. Conditional

Response example:

Download this example

Response codes


200 - The operation was completed successfully.
500 - An error ocurred. The validation and certification proccess was not completed.
501 - Data Base conection error.
502 - Error while retrieving or saving data to the Data Base.
503 - It was not possible to guarantee the uniqueness of the voucher.
504 - Operation temporarily unavailable.
601 - Authentication error, username and/or password are incorrect.
602 - This user's account has been blocked.
603 - This user's password has expired.
604 - Maximum login attempts exceeded.
605 - This user is inactive.
640 - Inactive application.
1402 - The issuer's (emisor) information is not specified in this invoice.

Validating status codes:

200 - Invoice validated and stamped successfully.
301 - This invoice does not have a proper XML structure.
302 - The issuer's (emisor) seal (sello digital) is not valid.
303 - The certificate of the digital seal (Certificado de Sello Digital) does not belong to this issuer.
304 - The certificate is either revoked or expired.
305 - The invoice's date-time is out of the valid range in the certificate.
306 - The certificate used to create the digital seal (sello digital) is not a digital seal certificate (Certificado de Sello Digital).
308 - The certificate used to create the digital seal (sello digital) was not issued by the SAT.
401 - The invoice's stamping date-time (fecha timbrado )is out of the valid range.
402 - The issuer is not in a fiscal regime proper for invoice issuing.
403 - The invoice's issuing date cannot be before January 1st 2011.
405 - The date of issuance of the voucher is outside the validity of this version of CFDI.
611 - One or several parameters are missing or misplaced.
612 - The XML file or some of its attributes is/are malformed.
620 - Permission denied.
621 - Invalid data. The specified invoice's XML format is not valid.
630 - This implementation is out of stamps (timbres) for invoice stamping (timbrado de cfdi).
631 - The issuer is out of stamps (timbres) for invoice stamping (timbrado de cfdi).
632 - Maximum permited usage per transaction reached.
633 - Either a production account is being used in the testing environment, or a testing account is being used in the production environment.

Primary sector status codes

311 - Unauthorized.
312 - Error while retrieving data from the SAT.
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