Cancelation examples in testing environment
Receives the UUID of an invoice which was stamped (timbrado) by Solución Factible® for cancelation,
sending the request asynchronously until an attempt is successfull, or receives a
fatal error from the SAT indicating that, no matter how many times the cancelation
request is send, the invoice cannot be canceled.
Optionally, you can send the CSD, which the cancelation request will be signed with.
If the issuer has CSD certificates assign to his timbrado-dashboard,
and the user who is to cancel the invoice has permission to access such certificates,
then sending the CSD can be omitted (the last registered valid CSD will be used)
SOAPAction: urn:cancelarAsincrono
- Parameters:
Name Description Required usuario xs:string
Username registered in the timbrado-dashboard.Yes password xs:string
User's password .Yes uuid xs:string
UUID of invoice to be canceled.Yes rfcEmisor xs:string
Issuer's RFC .Yes emailNotifica xs:string
Email address to where the process' result notification will be sent. See more.No csdCer xs:base64Binary
CSD certificate to be use for the cancelation request. This value is expected to be base64-codified.Conditional csdKey xs:base64Binary
CSD's private key, it must be the same used to generate the digital seal (sello digital) of the invoice. This value is expected to be base64-codified.Conditional csdPassword xs:string
Private key's password, it must be the same used to generate the digital seal (sello digital) of the invoice.Conditional properties KeyValue[]
List of key-value parameters available for future versionsNo
As of this date, this method does not have any key-value parameters.
Notification email
- Headers in an email with a successful cancelation attempt
X-SFService: Cancelar
X-UUIDCancelacion: 71452784-AFC7-4BE5-8623-3BA1436D573B
X-StatusCancelacion: OK
- Headers in an email with a unsuccessful cancelation attempt
X-SFService: Cancelar
X-UUIDCancelacion: 71452784-AFC7-4BE5-8623-3BA1436D573B
X-StatusCancelacion: ERROR
SOAP 1.2 request example:
Download this example
This method returns the complex type:
, with the following attributes: -
Name Description Required status xs:int
Transaction's status code. See cancelation response codesYes mensaje xs:string
In case of an error, its description. If the response code is 200, then the message will be the UUID of the invoice canceled.Yes
Response example:
Download this example
Response codes
- 200 - The cancelation process completed successfully.
- 306 - The keys used do not match any CSD.
- 308 - The CSD certificate was not issued by the SAT.
- 305 - The cancelation's date-time is not within the issuer's CSDvalid range.
- 303 - The CSD certificate does not match the issuer's RFC.
- 500 - An error ocurred. The validation and certification proccess was not completed.
- 501 - Data Base conection error.
- 601 - Authentication error, username and/or password are incorrect.
- 602 - This user's account has been blocked.
- 603 - This user's password has expired.
- 604 - Maximum login attempts exceeded.
- 605 - This user is inactive
- 611 - The parameters received are either incomplete, or out of place.
- 620 - Permission denied.
- 621 - Invalid data.
- 633 - Either a production account is being used in the testing environment, or a testing account is being used in the production environment.
- 701 - An asynchronous transaction for the specified UUID already exists.
Additional codes for the new cancelation procedure
- 204 - The invoice cannot be canceled
- 211 - The cancelation is currently being processed
- 213 - The cancelation request was denied by the invoice's recipient
These UUIDs which can be used in the testing environment, return this code |
E329DD15-7D0B-44E9-A204-51A7443D1FBE |
5B4B180D-5B6C-4392-B204-252215A1AB84 |
51D8A114-2BA6-40B8-C204-B9721791863B |
1BCA95C3-DA01-44C2-D204-59A9114F94BE |
F4621025-0864-4E62-E204-59EE41B1101E |
These UUIDs which can be used in the testing environment, return this code |
C5E58106-6C1E-41C9-A211-FB8BAD1CABB0 |
38FB9AC9-DD3E-4601-B211-EB02C007C3BA |
CB917CA9-60D3-4A81-C211-76BD1A6B756D |
7C34D543-E6C9-4990-D211-3F767E0B5142 |
0D62B12C-BC6C-4626-E211-FC8FE727A5BC |