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Conector TXT Nómina incidencias (Payroll incidences)


The incidence connector provides the facility to easily and quickly record one or multiple incidences that our clients require by creating a file in TXT or EXCEL with the information of each specific incidence. Connectors for incidences are registered in the same way as invoice connectors.


The connector chain consists of fields separated by character “pipe” (|, ASCII 124) and are extracted in the present order, however these can be adjusted to your needs. The format for dates, the order of the fields, the precision (number of decimals), and the date separator are connector parameters that must be configured before using it. If you want to omit any field, you just have to leave the EXCEL cell blank or, in the case of TXT, "TIPO_INCIDENCIA||FECHA|..." will be assumed.


External Links

SAT's documentation link


Download examples


Extra hours


Different incidences



Extra hours

Different incidences

Data dictionary

  • R= Required
  • C= Conditional
  • O= Optional
Type Fields Description
RTIPO_INCIDENCIA Numeric field that represents the type of incidence to be created, its values ​​are:
  • 1=Overtime
  • 2=Disability
  • 3=Non-attendance
  • 4=Vacation
  • 5=Worked Sunday
  • 6=Special.- In this incidence is important to know the “IDENTIFICADOR_PERCEPCION”
  • 7=Day Worked
RCODIGO_EMPLEADOThis field can be replaced in the connector according to what you want to use:
  • RFC
  • CURP
  • NSS
RFECHAThis field indicates the initialization date and can be represented in three ways:
  1. Forma simple: Only the initialization date of the incidence is indicated (01/12/2016).
  2. Múltiple fechas: The different dates that you want to enter for collection are indicated by a “,” (01/12/2016, 01/13/2016, 01/01/2016).
  3. Rango de fechas: It is indicated through the general data RANGO_FECHAS to indicate which date it begins and which ends (01/12/2016*01/14/2016).
OFECHA_APLICACION Date on which the incidence must be applied.
CCANTIDAD Number of overtime hours. Required if TIPO_INCIDENCIA=1.
CIMPORTE Indicates the amount for special incidences. Required if TIPO_INCIDENCIA=6.
CIDENTIFICADOR_PERCEPCION Key to the special perception to which the employee will be assigned. Required if TIPO_INCIDENCIA=6.
CIMPORTE_EXENTO In some of the special incidences it is necessary to specify the exempt amount, if the IMPORTE is not complete it is necessary to enter the IMPORTE_EXENTO or vice versa. Required if TIPO_INCIDENCIA=6.
The values ​​of this field are the following:
  • 0= None.
  • 1= Temporary disability.
  • 2= Provisional initial valuation.
  • 3= Final initial valuation.
  • 4= Death.
  • 5= Relapse.
  • 6= Valuation after the discharge date.
  • 7= Provisional revaluation.
  • 8= Relapse without medical discharge.
  • 9= Final revaluation.

This field depends on the field CONTROL_INCAPACIDAD.

The values ​​of this field are the following:
  • 0= None.
  • 1= Unique.
  • 2= Initial.
  • 3= Subsequent.
  • 4= Medical discharge ST-2.
  • 5= Valuation or ST-3.
  • 6= Death.
  • 7= Prenatal.
  • 8= Link.
  • 9= Postnatal.
This field depends on the CLAVE_CATEGORIA.
OCLAVE_CATEGORIA Represents the key of the categories registered in the system that correspond to each type of incidence.
CFOLIOMandatory field for disabilities (TIPO_INCIDENCIA=2), depending on the type of sequence and the disability control.
CPORCENTAJERequired field for disabilities (TIPO_INCIDENCIA=2), depending on the type of sequence and the disability control.
OGOZA_SUELDOIt is used in the TIPO_INCIDENCIA (2 Y 3 ). If the field is not assigned, it will be interpreted as “NO”.
OPARTICIPA_PTU It is used in the TIPO_INCIDENCIA (2 Y 3 ).If the field is not assigned, it will be interpreted as “NO”.
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