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Complemento-txt Nómina v1.2 (Payroll)

This new complement must be incorporated to Solución Factible®'s txt-connector (Conector-txt v6.0) in its identifier: "Complemento".

Check out the documentation for the new connector (v6.0) here.

Complement's definition

Same as the connector file (Conector-txt v6.0) the payroll complement is divided in lines, each line representing a group of data regarding the complement.

The complement contains identifiers at the beginning of each line indicating the type of business data included in every section, the sections' order is sequential downwards and is based in the order of data the SAT has specified in its XSD technical definition, nevertheless it can be adjusted according to your needs.

The fields pertaining to each section (identifier) are separated by the character "pipe" (|, ASCII 124) and are extracted in that order, nevertheless it can be adjusted according to your needs.

The "new line" (enter, line break, EOL, or carriage return ) can be anyone used by the current operative systems: CR, LF or CR+LF.


The complement contains the payroll's invoice data starting each line with its "identifier" marked in bold in the above example.

Identifiers and fields

Each identifier represents the start of a section that contains an specific number of fields. The different identifiers and their fields are shown next.

Some identifiers and their fields can repeat across lines within the file since business data might call for it. For instance multiple "PercepcionNomina" identifiers might exists to accommodate a complement that contains many payments.

  • Complemento|nomina|Version|TipoNomina|FechaPago|FechaInicialPago|FechaFinalPago|NumDiasPagados|TotalPercepciones|
  • EmisorNomina|CURP|Registropatronal|RfcPatronOrigen|
  • EntidadSNCFNomina|OrigenRecurso|MontoRecursoPropio|
  • EmpleadoNomina|CURP|NumSeguridadSocial|FechaInicioRelLaboral|Antiguedad|TipoContrato|Sindicalizado|TipoJornada|
  • SubContratacionNomina|RfcLabora|PorcentajeTiempo|
  • TotalPercepcionesNomina|TotalSueldos|TotalSeparacionIndemnizacion|TotalJubilacionPencionRetiro|TotalGravado|TotalExento|
  • PercepcionNomina|TipoPercepcion|Clave|Concepto|ImporteGravado|ImporteExento|
    • AccionesOTitulosNomina|ValorMercado|PrecioAlOtorgarse|
    • HorasExtraNomina|Dias|TipoHoras|HorasExtra|ImportePagado|
    • CamposDinamicosPercepcionNomina|CAMPO_1|....|
  • JubilacionPensionRetiroNomina|TotalUnaExhibicion|TotalParcialidad|MontoDiario|IngresoAcumulable|IngresoNoAcumulable|
  • SeparacionIndemnizacionNomina|TotalPagado|NumAñosServicio|UltimoSueldoMensOrd|IngresoAcumulable|IngresoNoAcumulable|
  • TotalDeduccionesNomina|TotalOtrasDeducciones|TotalImpuestosRetenidos|
  • DeduccionNomina|TipoDeduccion|Clave|Concepto|Importe|
    • CamposDinamicosDeduccionNomina|CAMPO_1|....|
  • OtroPagoNomina|TipoOtroPago|Clave|Concepto|Importe|
    • SubsidioAlEmpleoNomina|SubsidioCausado|
    • CompensacionSaldosAFavorNomina|SaldoAFavor|Año|RemanenteSalFav|
  • IncapacidadNomina|DiasIncapacidad|TipoIncapacidad|ImporteMonetario|

External links


Simple CFDI


Generales|15/07/2017 17:45:00|NA||01||601||notas|45070|
Divisa|Peso Mexicano|MXN|1|
Receptor|OSCAR KALA HAAK|KAHO641101B39|KAHO641101HNTLKS06|||||
Concepto||Pago de nómina|ACT|1|6390||6390||||
PercepcionNomina|001|123|Sueldos Salarios Rayas y Jornales|5100|200|
DeduccionNomina|001|676|Seguridad social|290|

Data dictionary

Complemento Nómina 1.2 (Payroll)

Complement to be incorporated to the CFDI for the payroll information.
"Complemento" fieldsMandatory id
RNombreName required for the complement. Fixed value:"nomina".
RVersionVersion of this complement.
RTipoNominaType of payroll, can be: O= Nómina ordinaria or E= Nómina extraordinaria.
RFechaPagoPayment date with format: yyyy-MM-dd, in compliance with ISO 8601.
RFechaInicialPagoFirst payment date with format: yyyy-MM-dd, in compliance with ISO 8601.
RFechaFinalPagoLast payment date with format: yyyy-MM-dd, in compliance with ISO 8601.
RNumDiasPagadosNumber of days payed.
CTotalPercepcionesTotal income.
CTotalDeduccionesTotal discount amount.
CTotalOtrosPagosTotal of additional income.
"EmisorNomina" fieldsMandatory id
CCURPPayroll issuing entity's CURP if applies.
CRegistroPatronalEmployer registration number (max. number of characters: 20).
ORfcPatronOrigenEmployer RFC when payment was performed through a third party.
"EntidadSNCFNomina" fieldsConditional id. Required for entities adhered to the "Sistema Nacional de Coordinación Fiscal".
ROrigenRecursoRequired for identifying the resources of payment origin.
CMontoRecursoPropioPayment for the resources for employee's payment.
"EmpleadoNomina" fieldsMandatory id.
RCURPPayroll recipient's CURP.
CNumSeguridadSocialWorker's Social security number.
CFechaInicioRelLaboralBeginning of working relationship's date with format: yyyy-MM-dd, in compliance with ISO 8601.
CAntigüedadLabor seniority Ex. P10Y8M15D (10 years, 8 months, 15 days).
RTipoContratoType of contract.
OSindicalizadoif worker is unionized (if omitted the worker is assumed to not being unionized).
CTipoJornadaType of working hours.
RTipoRegimenWorker's regime.
RNumEmpleadoWorker's number (max. number of digits: 15).
ODepartamentoWorker's section or area.
OPuestoWorker's position.
ORiesgoPuestoworker's position risk (1,2,3,4 or 5).
RPeriodicidadPagoPayment frequency.
CBancoWorker's bank id Ex. 110=JP Morgan, 044=Scotiabank.
CCuentaBancariaBank account or credit/debit card number, etc.
OSalarioBaseCotAporWorker's remuneration if any.
OSalarioDiarioIntegradoWorker's integrated daily wage.
RClaveEntFedMexico's state id where worker labors.
"SubContratacionNomina" fieldsConditional id.
RRfcLaboraRFC of entity who outsources or subcontracts workers.
RPorcentajeTiempoTime in percentage which the worker labored in a business. Ex. if the a worker labored in business A 40% of time and in business B 60% of time then:
Percentages must total 100%
"TotalPercepcionesNomina" fieldsConditional id. Mandatory if identifier:"PercepcionNomina" exists.
CTotalSueldosTotal of wages.
CTotalSeparacionIndemnizacionTotal of compensation due to work separation.
CTotalJubilacionPensionRetiroTotal of retirement and pension income.
RTotalGravadoTotal of taxed income.
RTotalExentoTotal of tax free income.
"PercepcionNomina" fieldsConditional id.
RTipoPercepcionType of income's id Ex.001=wage, salary, etc, or 010=punctuality bonus.
RClaveThe id of the income recorded in the accounting records of the business (min number of digits: 3, max number of digits:15).
RConceptoIncome description
RImporteGravadoTaxed amount of the income.
RImporteExentoTax free amount of the income.
"AccionesOTitulosNomina" fieldsConditional id. Required for income derived from the acquisition of shares or titles
RValorMercadoMarket value of the share or title.
RPrecioAlOtorgarseEstablished price for the share or title.
"HorasExtraNomina" fieldsOptional id.
RDiasNumber of days in which the worker labored extra hours.
RTipoHorasType of payment for the extra hours. (01=double, 02=triple or 03=simple payment)
RHorasExtraNumber of extra hours labored.
RImportePagadoTotal income for the extra hours.
"JubilacionPensionRetiroNomina" fieldsOptional id.
CTotalUnaExhibicionTotal income when performed in one single payment. If specified the fields "MontoDiario" and "TotalParcialidad" should not
CTotalParcialidadIncome amount payed in installments. If specified the field "MontoDiario" must be specified and the field "TotalUnaExhibicion" must not.
CMontoDiarioDaily income by pensions or retirement performed in installments.
RIngresoAcumulableTaxable income amount.
RIngresoNoAcumulableNon-taxable income amount.
"SeparacionIndemnizacionNomina" fieldsOptional id.
RTotalPagadoTotal income payed for separation's compensation.
RNumAñosServicioNumber of laboring years. If the worker work for less than 6 months the value will be "0". If the worker labored for more than 6 months regardless of the years it is taken as a full year Ex.(2 years and 7 months=3 years).
RUltimoSueldoMensOrdLast regular monthly salary.
RIngresoAcumulableTaxable income amount.
RIngresoNoAcumulableNon-taxable income amount.
"TotalDeduccionesNomina" fieldsConditional id.
CTotalOtrasDeduccionesTotal of discounts where the discount's id is different to "002", if any.
CTotalImpuestosRetenidosTotal of discounts where the discount's id is "002", if present.
"DeduccionNomina" fieldsOptional id.
RTipoDeduccionDiscount's id. Ex. 001 (social security), 019 (union fee), etc
RClaveThe id of the discount recorded in the accounting records of the business (min number of digits: 3, max number of digits:15).
RConceptoDescription of the discount.
RImporteAmount of the discount.
"OtroPagoNomina" fields Optional id.
RTipoOtroPago"Other income"'s id when different to (001, 002, 003, and 004). Value=999
RClaveThe id of the "other income" recorded in the accounting records of the business (min number of digits: 3, max number of digits:15).
RConcepto"Other income" description.
RImporteAmount for the "other income".
"SubsidioAlEmpleoNomina" fieldsMandatory id.
RSubsidioCausadoWorker's subsidy in compliance to the subsidy table published by the SAT here.
"CompensacionSaldosAFavorNomina" fieldsOptional id.
RSaldoAFavorIncome for credit balance for the current working period (year).
RAñoPast work period's year for entitled credit balance.
RRemanenteSalFavRemaining balance amount of past work periods.
"IncapacidadNomina" fieldsOptional id.
RDiasIncapacidadNumber of days the worker was absent due to disability.
RTipoIncapacidadDisability's id Ex. 03 (Motherhood).
RImporteMonetariodisability's income amount.
  • R= Required
  • C= Conditional
  • O= Optional
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