Conector TXT Complemento Carta Porte versión 3.1 (TXT Connector Carta Porte Complement 3.1)
The Carta Porte complement is a legal title of the contract between a carrier and a shipper or user who contracts their service. This serves as proof of receipt or delivery of merchandise, its legal possession and transfer. This complement must be issued by the carrier.
In addition, the Carta Porte Complement version 3.1 begins its validity from July 17, 2024 and is mandatory from that moment on, so the previous version cannot be issued.
Some of the most significant changes that we will see in the new version are:
- The RegimenAduanero field is removed to add it as a new node called RegimenAduanero with its respective fields or attributes.
- The FraccionArancelaria field will be optional depending on the case.
- The RemolquesCCP node is relocated as a Contenedor subnode, with two fields SubTipoRemCCP and PlacaCCP.
- An error is corrected to generate the QR of the carta porte, with the increase of the IdCCP prefix from 32 to 36 characters.
The complement must be incorporated into a Transfer or Income type CFDI in accordance with the following:
- The Carta Porte Complement version 3.1 is incorporated into the Transfer type CFDI to prove the possession of the goods, providing information on the origin and destinations of the goods that are transferred through the different means of transportation.
- Taxpayers who provide freight transfer services by different means of transportation may issue an Income-type CFDI incorporating the Carta Porte 3.1 complement, with which the legal possession of the goods can be proved.
Therefore, a CFDI is generated for merchandise transfer operations or for transport services with Carta Porte complement.
It will be required by taxpayers who transfer goods and/or merchandise in national territory, by any of the following means: Federal road freight, Maritime, Air and Rail.
The objective is to generate a CFDI with a carta porte complement that relates the goods or merchandise, their origin, intermediate points and destination; its means of transportation, in addition to including the transfer of hydrocarbons and petroleum products.
Complement´s definition
As in the Connector-txt v6.0 file the complement is divided into lines and each line represents a group of data in the complement.
The complement contains identifiers at the beginning of each line that indicate the type of information that is included in said section, the order of the sections is sequential downwards and is based on the order that the nodes have in the technical definition of the XSD published by the SAT, however this can be adjusted to your needs.
The fields belonging to each section (identifier) are separated by the “pipe” character (|, ASCII 124) and are extracted in that order; however these can be adjusted to your needs.
As we mentioned before, the order of the information is sequential downwards, the line break (line break, EOL or newline) can be any of those handled in most current systems: CR, LF or CR+LF.
This is the configuration chain for the Carta Porte complement version 3.1.
CFDI with Carta Porte complement version 3.1
Generales|25062024 00:00:00|01||PUE|612|||45069|
Concepto|400578|Concepto 1|PZA|2|100.00|comentario|200.00||||78101806|EA|02
Ubicacion|Origen|OR123456|URE180429TM6|Empresa SA||||||2023-10-28T00:00:00||
DomicilioUbicacion|Industria Naviera|141||5064|10|Atras del walmart|120|JAL|MEX|45070
Ubicacion|Destino|OR123456|URE180429TM6|Empresa SA||||||2023-10-29T00:00:00||1000.00
DomicilioUbicacion|Industria|142||0160|01|Atras del walmart|010|CMX|MEX|01299
Mercancia|10101500|123456|Animales vivos de granja|1000.000000|XUN|Unidad|123/123/123cm|||||||||||||||||||||||||1000.000|||||03||
DocumentacionAduanera|01|23 24 3234 3234567||XEXX010101000|
TiposFigura|01|URE180429TM6|874951|Empresa SA||
DomicilioTiposFigura|Industria Naviera|141||5064|10|Atras del walmart|120|JAL|MEX|45070
Data dictionary
"Complemento" fields | Description | Tytpe |
CartaPorte | Complement that incorporates the Digital Tax Receipt over the Internet (CFDI) the information related to the goods and/or merchandise, the locations of origin, intermediate points and destinations, as well as information related to the means by which they are transported, whether circulate by land, rail, air or navigate by sea. In addition to including the transfer of hydrocarbons and petroleum products. | |
IdCCP | Attribute required to express the 36 characters of the folio of the stamp transaction in accordance with the RFC 4122 standard, for the identification of the CFDI with Carta Porte complement. Note: This data is automatically generated when not specified in the connector file. | O |
TranspInternac | Attribute required to express whether the goods and/or merchandise that are transported enter or leave the national territory. | R |
RegimenAduanero | Conditional attribute to express the type of regime that is associated with the transfer of goods and/or merchandise of foreign origin. | C |
EntradaSalidaMerc | Conditional attribute to specify whether the goods and/or merchandise enter or leave the national territory. | C |
PaisOrigenDestino | Conditional attribute to record the key of the country of origin or destination of the goods and/or merchandise that are transferred through the different means of transportation. | C |
ViaEntradaSalida | Conditional attribute to record the route of entry or exit of goods and/or merchandise into national territory. | C |
TotalDistRec | Conditional attribute to indicate in kilometers the sum of the distances traveled, recorded in the "DistanciaRecorrida" attribute, for the transfer of goods and/or merchandise. |
C |
RegistroISTMO | Optional attribute to register the regions, if the transfer of goods and/or merchandise is carried out within the Development Poles for the Welfare of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. | O |
UbicacionPoloOrigen | Conditional attribute to record the region where the transfer of goods and/or merchandise begins within the Development Poles for the Welfare of the isthmus of Tehuantepec. | C |
UbicacionPoloDestino | Conditional attribute to record the region where the transfer of goods and/or merchandise ends within the Development Poles for the Welfare of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. | C |
RegimenAduanero | ||
RegimenAduanero | Attribute required to express the type of regime applied by customs to goods and/or merchandise of foreign origin. | R |
Ubicacion | ||
TipoUbicacion | Attribute required to specify whether the type of location corresponds to the origin (Origen) or destination (Destino) of the locations for the transfer of goods and/or merchandise by different means of transportation. Origen,Destino. | R |
IDUbicacion | Conditional attribute to record a key that serves to identify the exit or entry point of the goods and/or merchandise that are transported through the different means of transportation, which will be integrated as follows: for the Origen the acronym " OR", or if it is a Destino, the acronym "DE" followed by 6 numerical digits assigned by the taxpayer who issues the receipt for identification.pattern (OR{}DE)[0-9]{6} | C |
RFCRemitenteDestinatario | Attribute required to register the RFC of the sender or recipient of the goods and/or merchandise that are transferred through the different means of transportation. | R |
NombreRemitenteDestinatario | Optional attribute to record the name of the sender or recipient of the goods and/or merchandise that are transferred through the different means of transportation. | O |
NumRegIdTrib | Conditional attribute to record the identification number or tax registration of the country of residence for tax purposes of the sender or recipient of the goods and/or merchandise being transferred when dealing with residents abroad. | C |
ResidenciaFiscal | Conditional attribute to record the code of the country of residence for tax purposes of the sender or recipient of the goods and/or merchandise, according to the CFDI c_Pais catalog published on the SAT portal on the Internet in accordance with the ISO 3166-1 specification. |
C |
NumEstacion | Conditional attribute to record the code of the origin or destination station for the transfer of goods and/or merchandise that is carried out through the different means of transportation, according to the value of the "Clave identificación" column of the catalog c_Estaciones of the Carta Porte complement that allows it to be associated with the type of transport. |
C |
NombreEstacion | Conditional attribute to record the name of the origin or destination station that it passes through to carry out the transfer of goods and/or merchandise through the different means of transportation, according to the catalog c_Estaciones of the Carta Porte complement. |
C |
NavegacionTrafico | Conditional attribute to record the port of origin or destination type in which the goods and/or merchandise transported by sea are documented. (Altura, Cabotaje) |
C |
FechaHoraSalidaLlegada | Attribute required to record the estimated date and time in which the goods and/or merchandise leave or arrive from the origin or destination, respectively. It is expressed in the form ddMMaa hh:mm:ss. | R |
TipoEstacion | Conditional attribute to record the type of station through which the goods and/or merchandise pass during their transfer through the different means of transportation. | C |
DistanciaRecorrida | Conditional attribute to record in kilometers the distance traveled between the location of origin and the partial or final destination, by the different means of transportation that transfer the goods and/or merchandise | C |
Domicilio | ||
Calle | Optional attribute to record the street on which the address of origin and/or destination of the goods and/or merchandise that are transported by different means of transportation is located. | O |
NumeroExterior | Optional attribute that serves to register the street number of the address of origin and/or destination of the goods and/or merchandise that are transported by different means of transportation. | O |
NumeroInterior | Optional attribute that serves to record the suit number, if any, of the address of origin and/or destination of the goods and/or merchandise that are transported by different means of transportation. | O |
Colonia | Optional attribute that serves to register the neighborhood code or the equivalent of the address of origin and/or destination of the goods and/or merchandise that are transported by different means of transportation. | O |
Localidad | Optional attribute that serves to record the city, town, or equivalent of the address of origin and/or destination of the goods and/or merchandise that are transported by different means of transportation. | O |
Referencia | Optional attribute to register an additional geographical reference that allows easy or precise location of the address of origin and/or destination of the goods and/or merchandise that are transported by different means of transportation, for example, GPS coordinates. | O |
Municipio | Optional attribute that serves to register the municipality, delegation or mayor's office, county or equivalent of the address of origin and/or destination of the goods and/or merchandise that are transported by different means of transportation. | O |
Estado | Attribute required to register the state, entity, region, community, or equivalent where the address of origin and/or destination of the goods and/or merchandise that are transported by different means of transportation is located. | R |
Pais | Required attribute that serves to register the key of the country where the address of origin and/or destination of the goods and/or merchandise that are transported by the different means of transportation is located, in accordance with the c_Pais catalog of the CFDI, published on the SAT portal on the Internet according to the ISO 3166-1 specification. | R |
CodigoPostal | Attribute required to register the postal code where the address of origin and/or destination of the goods and/or merchandise that are transported by different means of transportation is located. | R |
Mercancias | ||
PesoBrutoTotal | Attribute required to record the sum of the total estimated gross weight of the goods and/or merchandise that are transported by the different means of transportation. | R |
UnidadPeso | Attribute required to register the key of the standardized unit of measurement of the weight of goods and/or merchandise that are transferred through the different means of transportation. | R |
PesoNetoTotal | Conditional attribute to record the sum of the values indicated in the "PesoNeto" attribute of the "DetalleMercancia" node. |
C |
NumTotalMercancias | Attribute required to record the total number of goods and/or merchandise that are transported by the different means of transportation, identifying each Merchandise node registered in the complement. | R |
CargoPorTasacion | Optional attribute to express the amount of the amount paid for the appraisal of the goods and/or merchandise that are transported by air. | O |
LogisticaInversaRecoleccionDevolucion | Conditional attribute to express whether any of the reverse logistics, collection or return services are used for the transfer of goods and/or merchandise. | C |
Mercancia | ||
BienesTransp | Attribute required to register the product key of the goods and/or merchandise that are transported by different means of transportation. | R |
ClaveSTCC | Optional attribute to express the product key of the STCC (Standard Transportation Commodity Code), when the means of transportation used to transport the goods and/or merchandise is rail. | O |
Descripción | Attribute required to detail the characteristics of the goods and/or merchandise that are transported by different means of transportation. | R |
Cantidad | Attribute required to express the total quantity of goods and/or merchandise that are transported through the different means of transportation. | R |
ClaveUnidad | Attribute required to register the key of the standardized unit of measurement applicable for the quantity of goods and/or merchandise that are transported in the different means of transportation. The unit must correspond to the description of the registered goods and/or merchandise. | R |
Unidad | Optional attribute to record the unit of measurement for the quantity of goods and/or merchandise that are transported through the different means of transportation. The unit must correspond to the description of the goods and/or merchandise. | O |
Dimensiones | Optional attribute to express the measurements of the packaging of the goods and/or merchandise that are transported by different means of transportation. The length, height and width must be recorded in centimeters or inches, separated by a slash, i.e. 30/40/30cm. | O |
MaterialPeligroso | Conditional attribute to specify that the goods and/or merchandise being transported are considered or classified as dangerous material. | C |
CveMaterialPeligroso | Conditional attribute to indicate the code of the type of dangerous material that is transported according to NOM-002-SCT/2011. | C |
Embalaje | Conditional attribute to specify the key of the type of packaging required to transport the hazardous material or waste. | C |
DescripEmbalaje | Optional attribute to express the description of the packaging of the goods and/or merchandise being transported and that are considered hazardous material or waste. | O |
SectorCOFEPRIS | Optional attribute to express the classification of the product that is moved through different means of transportation and that must have authorization from the corresponding authority. | O |
NombreIngredienteActivo | Conditional attribute to express the common name of the active ingredient of precursors, dual-use chemicals, pesticides or fertilizers that are transferred through the different means of transportation. | C |
NomQuimico | Conditional attribute to express the name of the active substance of the precursors, dual-use chemicals or toxic substances that are transferred through the different means of transportation. | C |
DenominacionGenericaProd | Conditional attribute to express the drug or the active substance of the medication, psychotropic or narcotic that is transported through different means of transportation. | C |
DenominacionDistintivaProd | Conditional attribute to express the brand under which the product is marketed or the name assigned by the laboratory or manufacturer to its pharmaceutical specialties in order to distinguish them from other similar medications, psychotropic or narcotic drugs that are transported through the different means of transportation. | C |
Fabricante | Conditional attribute to express the name or company name of the establishment that manufactures or manufactures the medication, precursor, dual-use chemical, psychotropic or narcotic that is transported through different means of transportation. | C |
FechaCaducidad | Conditional attribute to record the expiration date of the medication, psychotropic or narcotic, or to express the reanalysis date of the precursor or dual-use chemical that is transported through different means of transportation. It is expressed in the form AAAA-MM-DD. | C |
LoteMedicamento | Conditional attribute to express the name that identifies and confers traceability of the medicine, precursor, dual-use chemical, psychotropic or narcotic produced in a production cycle, under equivalent operating conditions and during a period. | C |
FormaFarmaceutica | Conditional attribute to express the pharmaceutical form or mixture of the medication, precursor, dual-use chemical, psychotropic or narcotic that presents certain physical characteristics for its adequate dosage, conservation and administration. | C |
CondicionesEspTransp | Conditional attribute to express the condition in which it is necessary to maintain the medication, precursor, dual-use chemical, psychotropic or narcotic drug during transportation and storage. | C |
RegistroSanitarioFolioAutorizacion | Conditional attribute to express the health record or authorization folio that the company has for the transfer of the medication, psychotropic or narcotic drug. | C |
PermisoImportacion | Conditional attribute to record the folio of the import permit containing the medicine, precursor, dual-use chemical, psychotropic or narcotic. | C |
FolioImpoVUCEM | Conditional attribute to record the VUCEM import folio number for document identification, for the transfer of medicines, precursors or dual-use chemicals, toxic substances, pesticides or fertilizers. | C |
NumCAS | Conditional attribute to express the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) number with which the chemical compound of the toxic substance is identified. | C |
RazonSocialEmpImp | Conditional attribute to express the name or company name of the company importing toxic substances. | C |
NumRegSanPlagCOFEPRIS | Conditional attribute to express the health registration number for pesticides or fertilizers whose import, marketing and use are permitted in Mexico, which is issued by the Intersecretarial Commission for the Control of the Process and Use of Pesticides, Fertilizers and Toxic Substances (CICLOPLAFEST). | C |
DatosFabricante | Conditional attribute to record the country and name or company name of the company that produces or manufactures the active ingredient of the pesticide or fertilizer. | C |
DatosFormulador | Conditional attribute to record the country and name or company name of the company that formulates the active ingredient of the pesticide or fertilizer. | C |
DatosMaquilador | Conditional attribute to record the country and name or company name of the company that manufactures the active ingredient of the pesticide or fertilizer. | C |
UsoAutorizado | Conditional attribute to record the authorized use of the pesticide or fertilizer according to the country's regulations. | C |
PesoEnKg | Attribute required to indicate in kilograms the estimated weight of the goods and/or merchandise that are transported by the different means of transportation. | R |
ValorMercancia | Conditional attribute to express the amount of value of the goods and/or merchandise that are transported in the different means of transportation, according to the market value, the value agreed in the consideration or the estimated value determined by the taxpayer. | C |
Moneda | Conditional attribute to identify the currency key used to express the value of the goods and/or merchandise that are transported by different means of transportation. When national currency is used, MXN is recorded, according to the ISO 4217 specification. | C |
FraccionArancelaria | Conditional attribute that serves to express the key of the tariff fraction that corresponds to the description of the goods and/or merchandise that are transported by the different means of transportation. | C |
UUIDComercioExt | Optional attribute to express the fiscal folio (UUID) of the foreign trade receipt that is related. | O |
TipoMateria | Conditional attribute to express the state of the matter or product when carrying out a foreign trade operation through different means of transportation. | C |
DescripcionMateria | Conditional attribute to express the description of the state of the matter or product when carrying out a foreign trade operation through different means of transportation. | C |
DocumentacionAduanera | ||
TipoDocumento | Attribute required to express the type of customs document that is associated with the transfer of the goods and/or merchandise of foreign origin during their transfer in national territory. | R |
NumPedimento | Conditional attribute to express the import request number that is associated with the transfer of goods and/or merchandise of foreign origin to prove legal stay and possession during their transfer in national territory. Which is expressed in the following format: last 2 digits of the year of validation followed by two spaces, 2 digits of the customs office of clearance followed by two spaces, 4 digits of the patent number followed by two spaces, 1 digit that corresponds to the last digit of the current year, unless it is a consolidated request initiated in the immediately previous year or the original request for a rectification, followed by 6 digits of the progressive customs numbering. | C |
IdentDocAduanero | Conditional attribute to express the identifier or folio of the customs document that is associated with the transfer of goods and/or merchandise of foreign origin to prove the legal stay or possession during their transfer in national territory. | C |
RFCImpo | Conditional attribute to express the RFC of the importer of the goods and/or merchandise that was registered in the corresponding customs documentation and is found on the list of registered RFCs not canceled from the SAT (l_RFC). | C |
GuiasIdentificacion | ||
NumeroGuiaIdentificacion | Attribute required to express the tracking number of each package that is associated with the transfer of goods and/or merchandise in national territory. | R |
DescripGuiaIdentificacion | Attribute required to express the description of the content of the package or cargo registered in the waybill, or in the identification number, which is associated with the transfer of goods and/or merchandise within the national territory. | R |
PesoGuiaIdentificacion | Attribute required to indicate in kilograms, the weight of the package or cargo that is transported in the national territory and that is registered in the guide or the corresponding identification number. | R |
CantidadTransporta | ||
Cantidad | Attribute required to express the number of goods and/or merchandise that are transported by different means of transportation. | R |
IDOrigen | Attribute required to express the key of the identifier of the origin of the goods and/or merchandise that are transported by the different means of transportation, according to the value recorded in the "IDUbicacion" attribute, of the "Ubicacion" node. | R |
IDDestino | Attribute required to register the key of the identifier of the destination of the goods and/or merchandise that are transferred through the different means of transportation, according to the value registered in the “IDUbicacion” attribute, of the “Ubicacion” node. | R |
CvesTransporte | Conditional attribute to indicate the key through which the means by which the goods and/or merchandise are transported is identified. | C |
DetalleMercancia | ||
UnidadPesoMerc | Attribute required to register the key of the standardized unit of measurement of the weight of the goods and/or merchandise that are transported by different means of transportation. | R |
PesoBruto | Attribute required to record the total gross weight of the goods and/or merchandise that are transported through the different means of transportation. | R |
PesoNeto | Attribute required to record the total net weight of the goods and/or merchandise that are transported by the different means of transportation. | R |
PesoTara | Attribute required to record the gross weight, less the net weight of the goods and/or merchandise that are transported through the different means of transportation. | R |
NumPiezas | Optional attribute to record the number of pieces of goods and/or merchandise that are transported by different means of transportation. | O |
Autotransporte | ||
PermSCT | Optional attribute to register the permit key provided by the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT), which must correspond to the vessel that is being used to transport of goods and/or merchandise, in accordance with the corresponding catalog. | C |
NumPermisoSCT | Optional attribute to record the number of the permit granted by the Secretaria of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT), to the vessel used to transport goods and/or merchandise. | C |
IdentificacionVehicular | ||
ConfigVehicular | Attribute required to express the nomenclature key of the motor transport that is used to transport goods and/or merchandise. | R |
PesoBrutoVehicular | Attribute required to indicate in tons the gross vehicle weight allowed for automotive transport according to NOM-SCT-012-2017 that is used to transport goods and/or merchandise. | R |
PlacaVM | Attribute required to register only the alphanumeric characters, without hyphens or spaces, of the vehicle license plate of the motor transport that is used to transport the goods and/or merchandise. | R |
AnioModeloVM | Attribute required to record the year of the motor transportation that is used to transport the goods and/or merchandise. | R |
Seguros | ||
AseguraRespCivil | Attribute required to register the name of the insurer that covers the civil liability risks of motor transportation used to transport goods and/or merchandise. | R |
PolizaRespCivil | Attribute required to record the policy number assigned by the insurer, which covers the civil liability risks of motor transportation used to transport goods and/or merchandise. | R |
AseguraMedAmbiente | Conditional attribute to record the name of the insurer, which covers possible damage to the environment when there is at least one merchandise classified as dangerous material, the information of the attribute "AseguraMedAmbiente" must be registered (applicable for transporters of materials, waste or remnants and hazardous waste). |
C |
PolizaMedAmbiente | Atributo condicional para registrar el número de póliza asignado por la aseguradora, que cubre los posibles daños al medio ambiente cuando exista al menos una mercancía tipificada como material peligroso se debe registrar la información del atributo "AseguraMedAmbiente" (aplicable para los transportistas de materiales, residuos o remanentes y desechos peligrosos). | C |
AseguraCarga | Optional attribute to record the name of the insurer that covers the risks of the cargo (goods and/or merchandise) of the motor transport used for the transfer. | O |
PolizaCarga | Optional attribute to express the policy number assigned by the insurer that covers the risks of the cargo (goods and/or merchandise) of the motor transport used for the transfer. | O |
PrimaSeguro | Optional attribute to record the value of the amount for the additional charge agreed upon between the carrier and the client, which will be equal to the value of the contracted insurance premium, in accordance with the provisions of the ninth clause of the Agreement by which the bill of landing is approved of Carriage regulated by the Law of Roads, Bridges and Federal Motor Transportation, with the complement Carta Porte that must accompany the Digital Tax Receipt over the Internet (CFDI). | O |
Remolque | ||
SubTipoRem | Attribute required to express the key of the subtype of trailer or semi-trailers that are used with motor transport for the transfer of goods and/or merchandise. | R |
Placa | Attribute required to register the alphanumeric characters, without hyphens or spaces, of the vehicle license plate of the trailer or semi-trailer that is used to transport the goods and/or merchandise. | R |
TransporteMaritimo | ||
PermSCT | Attribute required to register the key of the type of permit provided by the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT) or the analogous authority, which must correspond to the type of motor transportation used for the transfer of goods and/or merchandise in accordance to the corresponding catalogue. | R |
NumPermisoSCT | Attribute required to record the number of the permit granted by the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT) or the corresponding authority, to the motor transport used for the transfer of the goods and/or merchandise. | R |
NombreAseg | Optional attribute to register the name of the insurer that covers the protection and compensation for civil liability of the vessel in the transfer of goods and/or merchandise. | C |
NumPolizaSeguro | Optional attribute to record the policy number assigned by the insurer that covers protection and compensation for civil liability of the vessel in the transfer of goods and/or merchandise. | C |
TipoEmbarcacion | Attribute required to register the identification key of the type of vessel that is used to transport goods and/or merchandise. | R |
Matricula | Attribute required to register the registration or registration number of the vessel that is used to transport goods and/or merchandise. | R |
NumeroOMI | Attribute required to register the identification number assigned by the International Maritime Organization to the vessel in charge of transporting the goods and/or merchandise. | R |
AnioEmbarcacion | Optional attribute to record the year of the vessel in which the goods and/or merchandise are transported. | O |
NombreEmbarc | Optional attribute to record the name of the vessel in which the goods and/or merchandise are transported. | O |
NacionalidadEmbarc | Attribute required to register the country code corresponding to the nationality of the vessel that transports the goods and/or merchandise. | R |
UnidadesDeArqBruto | Attribute required to record the value of the gross tonnage units in accordance with the international measurements defined by the ITC for each type of ship or vessel in which the goods and/or merchandise are transported. | R |
TipoCarga | Attribute required to specify the type of cargo in which the goods and/or merchandise transported on the vessel are classified. | R |
Eslora | Optional attribute to record the length, defined in feet, of the vessel or ship in which the goods and/or merchandise are transported. | O |
Manga | Optional attribute to record the beam length, defined in feet, of the vessel or vessel in which the goods and/or merchandise are transported. | O |
Calado | Optional attribute to record the length of draft, defined in feet, of the vessel or ship in which the goods and/or merchandise are transported. | O |
Puntal | Optional attribute to record the length of the prop, defined in feet, of the vessel or vessel in which the goods and/or merchandise are transported. | O |
LineaNaviera | Optional attribute to register the name of the shipping line authorized to manage the transfer of goods and/or merchandise by sea. | O |
NombreAgenteNaviero | Attribute required to register the name of the consignee shipping agent authorized to manage the transfer of goods and/or merchandise by sea. | R |
NumAutorizacionNaviero | Attribute required to express the number of the authorization as consignee shipping agent issued by the corresponding authority. | R |
NumViaje | Optional attribute to record the trip number with which the transfer of goods and/or merchandise on the ship or vessel is identified. | O |
NumConocEmbarc | Optional attribute to record the bill of lading number with which the transfer of goods and/or merchandise is identified. | O |
PermisoTempNavegacion | Optional attribute to record the bill of lading number with which the transfer of goods and/or merchandise is identified. | C |
ContenedorMaritimo | ||
TipoContenedor | Attribute required to register the identification key corresponding to the type of maritime container in which the goods and/or merchandise are transported. | R |
MatriculaContenedor | Conditional attribute to record the license plate or identification number of the maritime container in which the goods and/or merchandise are transported, which is made up of the owner's code, the serial number and the corresponding control digit. | C |
NumPrecinto | Optional attribute to record the number of the seal or seal of the maritime containers that are used to transport goods and/or merchandise. | C |
IdCCPRelacionado | Conditional attribute to record the identifier of the Carta Porte complement (IdCCP) of a CFDI previously certified for the transfer of goods or merchandise by motor transport, only applicable for ferry transfers. | C |
PlacaVMCCP | Conditional attribute to record the alphanumeric characters, without hyphens, or spaces of the vehicle license plate of the motor transport registered in the CFDI with the complement Carta Porte of the motor transport, only applicable for ferry transfers. | C |
FechaCertificacionCCP | Conditional attribute to record the date and time of CDFI certification with the complement Carta Porte of the motor transportation, only applicable for ferry transfers. | C |
RemolqueCCP | ||
SubTipoRemCCP | Attribute required to express the key of the subtype of trailer or semi-trailers that are used with the motor transport that carried out the transfer of the goods and/or merchandise registered in the CFDI with Carta Porte complement, only applicable for transfer by ferry. | R |
PlacaCCP | Attribute required to register the alphanumeric characters, without hyphens or spaces, of the vehicle license plate of the motor transport registered in the CFDI with Carta Porte complement, only applicable for transfer by ferry. | R |
TransporteAereo | ||
PermSCT | Attribute required to register the permit key provided by the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT), or the analogous authority, which must correspond to the aircraft being used to transport goods and/or merchandise by air. | R |
NumPermisoSCT | Attribute required to record the permit number or analogous value provided by the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT), or the analogous authority, as appropriate, for the transportation of goods and/or merchandise by air. | R |
MatriculaAeronave | Optional attribute to register the registration number of the aircraft with which the transfer of goods and/or merchandise is carried out in national territory, which has a length of 10 positions and is made up of alphanumeric values, plus the special character called the hyphen "-". | O |
NombreAseg | Optional attribute to record the name of the insurer that covers the risks of the aircraft with which the goods and/or merchandise are transported. | O |
NumPolizaSeguro | Optional attribute to record the policy number assigned by the insurer that covers the protection and compensation for civil liability of the aircraft that transports the goods and/or merchandise. | O |
NumeroGuia | Attribute required to register the air waybill number with which the goods and/or merchandise are transported. | R |
LugarContrato | Optional attribute to record the place, entity, region, locality or similar, where the contract to carry out the transfer of goods and/or merchandise was concluded. | O |
CodigoTransportista | Attribute required to record the value of the code assigned to the carrier, which must contain one of the keys contained in the corresponding catalog. | R |
RFCEmbarcador | Optional attribute to record the RFC of the shipper of the goods and/or merchandise being transported. | O |
NumRegIdTribEmbarc | Conditional attribute to incorporate the identification number or tax registration of the country of residence when the shipper is a resident abroad for the corresponding tax purposes of the goods and/or merchandise being transported. | C |
ResidenciaFiscalEmbarc | Conditional attribute to record the code of the country of residence for tax purposes of the shipper of the goods and/or merchandise. | C |
NombreEmbarcador | Optional attribute to record the name of the shipper of the goods and/or merchandise being transported, whether national or foreign. | O |
TransporteFerroviario | ||
TipoDeServicio | Attribute required to register the key of the type of service used for the transfer of goods and/or merchandise by rail. | R |
TipoDeTrafico | Attribute required to register the type of traffic key (interrelation between concessionaires) to carry out the transfer of goods and/or merchandise by rail within the national territory. | R |
NombreAseg | Optional attribute to record the name of the insurer that covers the risks for the transfer of goods and/or merchandise by rail. | O |
NumPolizaSeguro | Optional attribute to record the policy number assigned by the insurer for protection and compensation for civil liability in the transfer of goods and/or merchandise carried out by rail. | O |
DerechosDePaso | ||
TipoDerechoDePaso | Attribute required to register the key for the right of way paid by the carrier on railway tracks for which it is not a concessionaire or assignee. | R |
KilometrajePagado | Attribute required to record the total kilometers paid by the carrier on railway tracks for which it is not a concessionaire or assignee with the right of way. | R |
Carro | ||
TipoCarro | Attribute required to register the key of the type of railway car used to transport goods and/or merchandise by rail. | R |
MatriculaCarro | Attribute required to register the container number, railway car or economic number of the vehicle in which the goods and/or merchandise are transported by railway. | R |
GuiaCarro | Attribute required to record the tracking number assigned to the container, railway car or vehicle, in which the goods and/or merchandise are transported by railway. | R |
ToneladasNetasCarro | Attribute required to record the amount of net tons deposited in the container, railway car or vehicle in which the goods and/or merchandise are transported by railway. | R |
ContenedorFerroviario | Conditional node to specify the type of container or wagon in which the goods and/or merchandise are transported by rail. | C |
TipoContenedor | Attribute required to register the key that identifies the type of container or the wagon in which the goods and/or merchandise are transported. | R |
PesoContenedorVacio | Attribute required to record in kilograms, the weight of the empty container in which the goods and/or merchandise are transported. | R |
PesoNetoMercancia | Attribute required to record in kilograms the net weight of the goods and/or merchandise that are transported in the container. | R |
TiposFigura | ||
TipoFigura | Attribute required to register the key of the transport figure that intervenes in the transfer of goods and/or merchandise. | R |
RFCFigura | Conditional attribute to record the RFC of the transport figure that intervenes in the transfer of goods and/or merchandise. | C |
NumLicencia | Conditional attribute to express the number of the license or permit granted to the freight motor transport operator in which the goods and/or merchandise are transported. | C |
NombreFigura | Attribute required to register the name of the transport figure involved in the transfer of goods and/or merchandise. | R |
NumRegIdTribFigura | Conditional attribute to record the identification number or tax registration of the country of residence of the transport figure involved in the transfer of goods and/or merchandise, when dealing with residents abroad for the corresponding tax purposes. | C |
ResidenciaFiscalFigura | Conditional attribute to record the code of the country of residence of the transport figure involved in the transfer of goods and/or merchandise for the corresponding tax purposes. | C |
PartesTransporte | ||
ParteTransporte | Attribute required to record information on the part of the transport for which the issuer of the receipt is different from the owner of the same, for example: vehicles, machines, containers, platforms, etc.; that are used for the transfer of goods and/or merchandise. | R |
DomicilioTiposFigura | Optional node to record information on the address of the type(s) of transport figure involved in the transfer of goods and/or merchandise. | O |
Calle | Optional attribute that is used to record the street on which the address of the type(s) of transport figure is located. | O |
NumeroExterior | Optional attribute that serves to record the exterior number where the address of the type(s) of transport figure is located. | O |
NumeroInterior | Optional attribute that serves to record the suit number, if it exists, where the address of the type(s) of transport figure is located. | O |
Colonia | Optional attribute that serves to express the code of the neighborhood or equivalent where the address of the type(s) of transport figure is located. | O |
Localidad | Optional attribute to record the code of the city, town, district or equivalent where the address of the type(s) of transport figure is located. | O |
Referencia | Optional attribute to record an additional geographical reference that allows easy or precise location of the address of the type(s) of transport figure; for example, GPS coordinates. | O |
Municipio | Optional attribute to record the code of the municipality, delegation or mayor's office, county or equivalent where the address of the type(s) of transportation figure is located. | O |
Estado | Attribute required to register the state, entity, region, community, or equivalent where the address of the type(s) of transportation figure is located. | R |
Pais | Required attribute that serves to register the code of the country where the address of the type(s) of transport figure is located, according to the CFDI c_Pais catalog published on the SAT portal on the Internet in accordance with the ISO 3166-1 specification. | R |
CodigoPostal | Attribute required to register the postal code where the address of the type(s) of transport figure is located. | R |
- R= Required
- C= Conditional
- O= Optional
External links
- SAT's documentation Liga SAT