Conector XML 4.0
The Tax Administration Service (SAT) announces the change from its current version CFDI 3.3 to the new version CFDI 4.0, which is expected to be mandatory as of January 1, 2022. In Solución Factible® we reiterate our commitment to serve you by preparing the necessary scenarios and documentation so that the transition to this new billing scheme is as simple as possible for you.
In this case, the connector file must be a valid XML file, which must contain the information of the digital tax receipt (CFD, electronic invoice) in the attributes and elements of a file with an XML extension following the standard schema of this language.
File structure
The structure for the XML connector must follow the XML Schema Definition (XSD), this XSD is used to express a series of rules to which an XML document must conform to be considered "valid" according to that scheme. The XSD file that must be followed for the XML connector can be consulted at the following link: ComprobanteFiscal.xsd.
If you need additional fields on the invoice, as many as necessary can be recorded in your implementation and included in the definition of the connector fields to import them, this is known as dynamic fields.
Available complements:
Data links
2.- XML 4.0 file connector example with Complemento de comercio exterior 2.0 (Foreign trade 2.0).
Complement to incorporate into the Digital Tax Receipt over the Internet (CFDI) the information that covers concepts of salary income, the provision of a subordinate personal service or concepts similar to salaries (Payroll). The structure of the complement is that specified by the SAT.